Friday, January 8, 2010

Prayer List

Hello Everyone,

   I pray that each of you will be having a great holidays and a super New Year. I would like for each of us this New Year to pray and ask God's blessing and will for these so many who will still be battling cancer in 2010. I am asking that you please take the time to review my new list. If there is any changes or updates please pass them along. This is the way that I am able to get the list updated. So over the week end please take time to send me those who you have added and would want to continue to have this list.
  Thanks again, never forget that every name is a person and they are important.
Jeanie Abbiott          Noah Cole            Mike Johnson     Harrell Pitts
Joe Adams               Ralph Copeland    Donna Katouc    Robert Powell
Rita Andrews           Mary Cornett        Charles Keckler  Micah Pamsey
Clarence Arwood    Gary Cox              Joce Kent            Dana Rectra
Joyce Autry                                          Olen King            Roger Richardson
Megan Avery           Tina Ellis               Wilma Kinman     Gennie Rigsby
Sharon Baird            Gloria Erickson     Curt Kishell          Landon Roberts
Amanda Bebe          Beth Ferguson       Jim Knapp           Kelsie Robison
Debbie Becker         Rachel Forbes       Elise Lamb           Betty Rogers
Jean Bench               Kevin Fox             Joyce Landis        Carl Rogers
Julie Benhert             Joe Gammon         Keith Loomis       Stephannie Roggs
Crawford Berry        Courtney Gatto     Raleigh Lindsay     Dr. Frank Shiver
Mike Billinger           Mike Gibson         Julie Livesay          Ann Skaggs
Silas Blackburn         Gayle Gildow        Jean Lloyd            Katherine Speece
Frances Blankenship Mary Gray            Pat Maloy             Albert Sudbrock
Brandon Blizzard      Jane Grinstead       Darlene Martin      Annie Summerlin
Martha Blizzard        Marie Haden         Alyssa Mashburn   Terrina Summers
                                Rose Hamblen       Sylvia Mattingly      Ester Travis
Shawn Bowen          Terry Hancock       Debbie Maudin      Hunter Walters
Jared Boyd               Joe Hash                Kenny Maynes      Becky Watson
Neisa Bucanna         Jean Hatfield           Donna McCoy       Ron Weber
Bea Buster               Peggy Helton          Nathan McLean     Kelie Werner
Campbell Bradly      Tammy Herold        Donna Miley          Jay White
Cindy Bradley          Catrina Herman       LaneAnn Miller      Betty Wilkerson
Grace Bradley          Katherine Herrell     Don Miller             Don Wilson
Bill Canter                Mickey Heyward    Blake Misseldine    Jains Witte
Katie Carter             Paul Hildebrandt     Linda Monroe        Dan Wright
Robin Casto             Donnie Hines          Renee Neff             Ashley Wood
Debbie Cheney        Alexandria Holoway Bro Herny Nichols Lisa Vaughn
Howard Chilton       Richard Hopstein      Pam Papet             Jan Veal
Cassidy Clark          Stacy Hughes           Sally Pennington
                                Donnie James          Patricia Peterson
Kathy Cook             Tim Jensen

"Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way: Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you." 1 Samuel 12:23-24

Remember Always, "God does all things well."

Until Jesus Comes
Bro. Gary
Proverbs 3:5,6

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