Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trust God

Hello Everyone,

A few back I witness a man carving a large piece of wood with a chain saw. Boy could he make the chips fly. One could tell that was not his first time of carving with a chain saw. While he was carving there was no way you could tell what it was at first. He would a make a cut here and then another cut. Each cut would hold your imagination to what would be the end result. Then all of the sudden as if out of no where there appeared a bear. Thus man knew what he was doing and he was good at it.

God does the same with His creations. One may not be able to tell what the end result would be but God knows. God knows what He is doing and He is good at it. Trust God.

"But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works." Psalms 73:28
Remember Always, "God does all things well."

Until Jesus Comes
Bro. Gary
Proverbs 3:5,6

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