Friday, December 10, 2010


Hello Everyone,

We are afraid of everything mainly because everything today has a warning label on it. All these warnings are to scare you and I to believing that nothing is safe. We can not trust medicine, politicians, police, lawyers, bakery goods, milk, paint on toys, alarms, drinks, books, TV, radio, processed food, dried meats, whole grain nor churches. Did I miss anything? Yet I tell you I am not afraid, you can't scare me, I am safe. I am not safe in any of these things but I am SAFE in Jesus.

"The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe." Proverbs 29:25

Remember Always, "God does all things well."
Until Jesus Comes
Bro. Gary Proverbs 3:5,6

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